Ewa and Lech Artiemjew


Music samples




The sandwich falls on the carpet with the butter side proportional to carpet price.

By shooting a peg into the wall, we have very little chance to shoot it in the right place.

As we design, it turns out that as the work progresses, the design seems to us more and more faulty,

The failure of parts of the machine is inversely proportional to their availability.

With a new mechanism we can dismantle it and then assemble it. The remaining parts can be used in another mechanism.

The more a person’s mind develops, the greater the danger to himself.

Almost every shortcut is longer than the normal path.

If only something can happen, it will happen in the most unfavourable moment.

The weather is always the prettiest where we are no longer present.

The greatest chance of rainfall is when we leave home without an umbrella.

Any selflessness requires payment.

Charitable foundations, the founders are the most satisfied.

You want to fart the most when you’re in a quiet crowd.

Seeking the truth is a way to find falsehoods.

Almost always only a bubble needs advertising.

A man’s biggest flaw in finding the truth is that he thinks humanely.

The bigger the mystery, the more you want to betray it.

The one who knows most is the one who doesn’t know anything.

The more you know, the more you realize your ignorance.

No problem becomes a problem.

The center of the globe is where I am.

In fact, with God’s help, they do their human business.

Excessive good is the greatest evil.

Beauty, there’s custom ugliness.

Nowadays, intelligent people are a margin.

By doing what’s unpleasant to you, you’ll achieve full satisfaction.

If you want to gain weight, leave the food you like most at the end of the meal.

Respect your enemy, because you can have worse.

The most you want to spill out of the window when someone goes under it.

The willingness to poop is usually directly proportional to your distance from the toilet.

Piggy to piggy, a full trough makes me beautiful.

Tragedies of somebody even before they pass, joy and business do to others.

The most unhappy one is the one whose unhappiness results from the happiness of others.

A dog is the only friend you can buy.

Macro photography

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